Planetary Science Style Guide
Art Director

This identifier and style guide were developed for NASA’s Planetary Science Division to provide a cohesive visual identity for internal communications. The guide includes branding assets, typography, and color palettes designed to represent the diverse worlds explored by planetary missions. In addition to the static identifier, we also created an animated version, bringing the graphic to life in motion to further enhance its use in digital and multimedia applications. While the identifier is not for public-facing materials, it serves as a unifying visual for internal use, reinforcing the division’s mission of advancing our understanding of the solar system.
LUVOIR Mission Identifier
I developed the official identifier for NASA’s proposed LUVOIR (Large Ultraviolet Optical Infrared Surveyor) mission, creating a visual identity that reflects its groundbreaking potential for exoplanet discovery and deep-space exploration.
Art Director, Designer
NASA's Curious Universe
Art Director
As Art Director, I led the development of promotional artwork for NASA’s Curious Universe podcast. Our team designed unique visuals for each season and episode, tailoring the artwork to reflect the diverse and ever-evolving topics explored in the series while maintaining a stylistic connection to NASA’s broader visual identity.
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