Bennu's Journey
Bennu's Journey" is a captivating 6-minute animated film that delves into NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission, the intriguing history of Asteroid Bennu, and the formation of our solar system. Born from the chaotic aftermath of a violent collision and enduring millions of years in the harsh environment of the early solar system, Asteroid Bennu's story is as fascinating as it is mysterious. The film explores our current understanding and lingering questions about Bennu's evolution and the development of the planets. By collecting a sample from Bennu, the OSIRIS-REx mission aims to deepen our knowledge of the solar system's raw materials and shed light on our own origins. For this animation project, I took on multiple roles, including creating storyboards, serving as Art Director, contributing to scriptwriting, overseeing narration and music, and personally crafting 23 out of the 31 shots. It was an immensely rewarding and labor-intensive endeavor.